By Deborah Ross; Training Specialist, Education and Outreach
The NH Children’s Trust leads the drive to ensure safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for children by educating, advocating, and collaborating. We invest in evidence-based prevention strategies and innovative programs that intervene early on, and we envision a New Hampshire where all children grow up free from abuse and neglect.
The programs we invest in help lay a strong foundation for children’s later growth and development. We complement this programming by elevating the stories of parents who are role models in their family, schools, and community. Each year we invite the community to nominate parents* who implement the 5 Protective Factors in their own lives or have gone the extra mile to meet a need, share guidance, or simply nourish those around them with care and compassion. From these nominations, we select and honor 29 parents for the 29 days of February, Parent Recognition Month, culminating in our Unsung Hero Awards ceremony. For the past twelve years, we have been fortunate enough to hold this event in the State House with the Governor as host. This is an exciting evening for the families and the community as we celebrate the accomplishments of New Hampshire parents and caregivers. We will announce the February date of the 13th Annual 2020 Unsung Hero Awards ceremony soon.
Since 1986, New Hampshire Children’s Trust has been working with parents, providers, educators and the community to ensure that children thrive in safe, nurturing environments. As future workers, leaders, and caretakers, our children's emotional and social development depends on our collective investment. We value the many community businesses, organizations, and individuals who make this event a success. We would like you to consider taking part by donating items or gift cards for experiences and services for our gift bags, sponsoring the Unsung Hero Award ceremony, or volunteering as part of the Nominating Committee or for the Unsung Hero Awards ceremony. By becoming a sponsor, donor, or volunteer for the Unsung Hero Awards ceremony, you will have a lasting impact on New Hampshire children—the foundation of our community. Safe kids start with you.
For more information, please contact Deborah Ross or call (603) 224-1279.
*Parents are defined as dual parents, single parents, kinship caregivers, foster, or adoptive parents.