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Building Together: Prevention in Partnership

Writer's picture: StaffStaff

What does that mean as we begin to prepare for the commemoration of National Child Abuse Prevention Month, which will begin with WEAR BLUE Day on March 31?

It means accepting the notion that PREVENTION cannot, and does not, happen alone. That PARTNERSHIPS are forged when we come together to build positive futures for our children.

We know that strong communities cannot be built on faulty foundations.

When the underlying causes that lead to health and social inequities are addressed, families have the resources they need, when they need them.

And through that work, in PARTNERSHIP with one another, we diminish the burdens experienced by parents and caregivers.

What does PARTNERSHIP look like in 2023?

It’s businesses that enthusiastically expand family-friendly policies, like paid sick and family leave, flextime, and childcare opportunities, that reduce stress on their employees.

It’s when organizations and community members recognize the stressors parents and caregivers face through loss of employment, school and business closings, ongoing health concerns, uncertain childcare; and then come together to proactively address those inequities and injustices, which leads to the construction of safe, stable, and nurturing environments.

Challenging life circumstances can overload and overburden parents and caregivers.

PARTNERSHIPS and community support lightens the burden on families.

Building healthy communities for families and kids takes work. And we all play a role in ensuring families thrive and children stay safe and strong.


WEARING: Join the fun on Friday, March 31, by “Wearing Blue,” which Prevent Child Abuse America has designated as National Wear Blue Day. Take a team picture and email it to so we can share it on our social media platforms. Simple!

SHARING: Promote the family strengthening content you see on Facebook - @NHChildrensTrust, Instagram- @nhchildrenstrust, and LinkedIn - @New HampshireChildren’s Trust.

INVITING: A member of the New Hampshire Children’s Trust to your organization in April and talk about how you can partner in PREVENTION with us! Contact us at

At the Children’s Trust, our mission is to create safe, stable, and nurturing environments for children, and promote policies and programs that put families first.

Let’s PARTNER in April and expand our PREVENTION efforts throughout New Hampshire!



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